Monday, May 31, 2010


Tomorrow's the first on June and my weight loss stalled around's doubtful I'll make my previous goal but maybe I can just get under 250 by the end of July...I've been riding my bike several times a week but my calorie intake is a bit higher than what I least I know what the problem is...I should take the good advice to keep my mouth shut.

I'm also stalled on getting some music together for Margaret...and on getting the house remodeled...and on working out the details for the family reunion...

Work is such an interference in my life! Oh well, this too shall pass. My contract ends at the end of September and I should be happily unemployed for a few months...


gina said...

at least you are working on it and heading in the right direction. :)

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

You'll get to it all eventually, I'm sure. Put my music on the top of the list. :)
I need to get some new tires for my bike and start riding again. I remember I liked doing that, but it's been about three years since I've ridden!
Keep up the good work.