Friday, December 24, 2010

Another year, another plan...

Another New Year approaches and I've decided to try blogging, of yesterday, I am gainfully unemployed and in definite need of some structure for my time.

I won't worry about weighing until after the first - there are far too many snacks and goodies I must eat before I put my feet on that lying scale...but my goal remains the same as last time; I want to just get down to fat...I'll be happy at fat.

I picked up a new recording interface and will be working out some original compositions...I have a wordsmith for the lyrics - I just work up the tunes. I have several melodies in my head now and will get them recorded in January...

Stevie Reno

1 comment:

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

I joined WW at the beginning of the month, so I have lost 12 lbs. However, I fully intend to gain back a few of those pounds this weekend!!!